National Tax Number (NTN): Your Complete Guide in 6 Steps

National Tax Number (NTN)


Understanding taxes and the importance of a National Tax Number (NTN) is essential for individuals and businesses alike. Taxes are the lifeblood of a nation, providing funds for essential services and infrastructure. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of NTNs, exploring their significance, the process of obtaining one, and the pros and cons.

For e-commerce entrepreneurs in Pakistan looking to formalize their business, obtaining a National Tax Number (NTN) is a crucial step, aligning with the country’s tax regulations and enhancing credibility among consumers and suppliers.

Chapter 1: The Significance of National Tax Numbers

The Taxation Backbone

The National Tax Number is a unique identifier that plays a vital role in a country’s tax collection system. It is a critical component of any tax regime, as it allows the government to track and collect taxes effectively. An NTN is like a social security number for your finances.

Obtaining an NTN is often a legal requirement for individuals and businesses. It is essential for complying with tax laws and regulations. Not having an NTN can result in legal repercussions and financial penalties.

Business Necessity

For businesses, having an NTN is often a prerequisite for engaging in financial transactions, especially those involving government agencies, banks, and other businesses. It is a mark of credibility and trustworthiness.

Access to Government Services

An NTN is required for accessing various government services, including vehicle registration, property transactions, and obtaining a passport.

Chapter 2: Getting Your National Tax Number

Step 1: Prepare Required Documents

Before you begin the NTN application process, gather the necessary documents. These typically include your CNIC (Computerized National Identity Card), proof of business registration (for businesses), and any other relevant financial documents.

Step 2: Visit the Tax Office

To apply for an NTN, visit the nearest tax facilitation center or Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) office. You can locate your nearest tax office on the FBR website.

Step 3: Obtain Form ST-1

Request Form ST-1, the application form for the issuance of an NTN. This form is available at the tax office, or you can download it from the FBR website.

Step 4: Fill Out the Form

Complete Form ST-1 with accurate information. It’s important to double-check all details to avoid delays in the application process.

Step 5: Submit the Form

Submit the filled-out Form ST-1 along with the required documents. The tax officer will review your application and assist you in the process.

Step 6: Biometric Verification

You will undergo biometric verification at the tax office to confirm your identity.

Step 7: Await NTN Issuance

After successful verification, you’ll be issued an NTN certificate. This certificate is essential for all tax-related transactions.

Chapter 3: Pros and Cons of Having an NTN


  1. Legal Compliance: Having an NTN ensures you comply with tax laws, avoiding legal troubles and penalties.
  2. Financial Transactions: It facilitates financial transactions with banks, government agencies, and other businesses.
  3. Government Services: Access to government services such as vehicle registration, property transactions, and passport applications.
  4. Business Credibility: For businesses, it enhances credibility and trustworthiness.


  1. Tax Obligations: Obtaining an NTN means you have tax obligations, and you must fulfill them.
  2. Complexity: The tax system can be complex, and understanding it may require professional help.
  3. Audits and Scrutiny: Having an NTN can subject you to audits and scrutiny by the tax authorities.


In a world where financial transactions are integral to our lives, understanding the role of National Tax Numbers is crucial. NTN is more than just a number; it’s a key that unlocks doors to legal compliance, financial transactions, and government services. While there are obligations and complexities associated with it, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. So, whether you’re an individual or a business, consider obtaining your NTN to navigate the world of finance and taxes more effectively.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this guide is for informational purposes and does not constitute legal or financial advice. For personalized guidance, consult with a tax professional or the relevant tax authority in your jurisdiction.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the National Tax Number (NTN) in Pakistan?

The National Tax Number (NTN) in Pakistan is a unique identification number issued by the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) to track tax transactions and compliance of individuals and companies. It is mandatory for carrying out various financial transactions such as opening a bank account, registering a company, filing tax returns, and conducting business. For individuals, the NTN is usually linked to their Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC) number. For companies, it is linked to their registration number. The NTN serves as a crucial element in the tax system of Pakistan, ensuring transparency and accountability in financial dealings.

How can I check my NTN by SMS?

Type “ATL (space) 13 digits Computerized National Identity Card (CNIC)” and send to 9966.

How can I check my NTN number?

To check your National Tax Number (NTN) in Pakistan, you can follow these steps:
Online Verification: Visit the Federal Board of Revenue’s (FBR) official website. Navigate to the ‘Online NTN/STRN Inquiry’ section. Here, you can enter your CNIC number (for individuals) or your Registration Number (for companies) to check your NTN status. After entering the required information, the system will display your NTN number if it is registered.
FBR Helpline: You can also contact the FBR helpline. Provide them with your CNIC or Registration Number, and they can assist you in retrieving your NTN number.
Visit FBR Office: If you prefer in-person assistance, visit your nearest FBR office. The staff there can help you check your NTN number. Make sure to carry your CNIC or company registration documents for verification.

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