How to Install WordPress Locally on Windows: Empower Your Web Dreams with This Powerful Guide in 5 Steps

How to Install WordPress Locally on Windows

Before you can start building your professional WordPress blog website, it’s essential to first learn how to install WordPress locally on your Windows computer. This initial step will give you a solid foundation to explore and experiment with WordPress, making it easier to create the website you’ve always wanted.

If you’re eager to explore the exciting world of web development and content creation, WordPress is undoubtedly one of your go-to platforms. It’s versatile, user-friendly, and empowers you to create websites with ease. To kickstart your WordPress journey, you can install WordPress locally on Windows. This step-by-step guide aims to make the process crystal clear for everyone, even if you’re not a tech whiz. If you’re MAC user, you can learn step by step process with three easy methods at How to Install WordPress Locally on Your Mac

Why Install WordPress Locally on Windows?

Before we embark on our installation journey, let’s take a moment to understand why installing WordPress locally on Windows can be a game-changer:

  1. No Internet Dependency: When you work on a local WordPress installation, you’re free from the constraints of needing an internet connection. You can craft, tweak, and test your site regardless of your online status.
  2. Speed and Efficiency: Local installations run lightning-fast compared to websites hosted on the internet. This means you can make changes, test your site’s performance, and experiment more efficiently.
  3. Enhanced Privacy and Security: Your local WordPress environment is not accessible to the public, making it a secure playground for testing and development.
  4. Cost-Efficient: Setting up WordPress locally on Windows comes with zero hosting expenses. You can experiment and fine-tune your website without worrying about any financial commitments.

Now that we’ve established the perks of a local WordPress setup on Windows, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of the installation process.

Step 1: Download XAMPP for Installing WordPress Locally on Windows Free

To make your Windows machine a local WordPress powerhouse, you need a local server environment. We recommend using XAMPP—a free, open-source package that bundles Apache (a web server), MySQL (a database server), and PHP (a scripting language). Here’s how to get started:

  1. Visit the XAMPP Website: Open your web browser and head over to the XAMPP download page.
  2. Select the Right Version for Installing WordPress Locally on Windows Free: Choose the version of XAMPP that’s compatible with your Windows system, ideally for Windows 10.
  3. Download and Install: Click on the download link to get the XAMPP installer. Once the download is complete, run the installer.
  4. Follow the Wizard: The installation wizard will guide you through the setup process. Generally, you can stick with the default settings—no need to make any complex decisions.
  5. Launch XAMPP: After installation, launch the XAMPP Control Panel. You’ll use this panel to manage your local server environment.

Step 2: Start Apache and MySQL for Installing WordPress Locally on Windows 10

In your XAMPP Control Panel, you’ll notice two crucial components: Apache and MySQL. These must be up and running for WordPress to function locally. Follow these straightforward steps:

  1. Start Apache: Click the “Start” button next to Apache. This action initiates the web server.
  2. Start MySQL: Similarly, click the “Start” button next to MySQL. This starts the database server.

Step 3: Download WordPress

Now that your local server environment is active, let’s move on to acquiring WordPress:

  1. Visit the Official WordPress Site: Open your web browser and navigate to the official WordPress website.
  2. Get WordPress: You’ll find a prominent “Get WordPress” button—click on it.
  3. Download the Latest Version: You can download the latest version of WordPress in a ZIP file format directly to your computer. Click on the button to start the download.

Step 4: Create a Database for WordPress

One of the crucial components that power any dynamic website, including WordPress, is the database. A database stores and manages all your site’s data, such as posts, pages, comments, and user information. In this step, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a database for your WordPress installation on your Windows machine.

Why Do You Need a Database?

Think of a database as a digital filing cabinet where your website stores and retrieves information efficiently. Without it, your WordPress site wouldn’t have a structured way to store content, and every piece of data would be scattered and disorganized.

How to Create a Database:

Access phpMyAdmin: Open your web browser and enter the following URL: http://localhost/phpmyadmin/. This URL takes you to the phpMyAdmin interface, a popular and user-friendly tool for managing databases.

phpMyAdmin Login: You’ll be prompted to log in to phpMyAdmin. If you haven’t set up a username and password for phpMyAdmin during the XAMPP installation, you can use the default values. Typically, the username is “root,” and the password is empty (leave it blank) or “root.” However, for security reasons, it’s advisable to set a strong password later.

Navigate to “Databases”: After logging in, you’ll see a navigation menu on the left side. Click on “Databases,” which will take you to the page where you can create a new database.

Name Your Database: Here comes the creative part! You get to choose a name for your database. For simplicity and clarity, let’s name it “mywordpress.” You can be creative with the name, but it’s essential to remember it, as you’ll need it during the WordPress installation.

Character Set and Collation (Optional): In most cases, you can leave the default character set and collation settings as they are. These settings determine how data is stored and sorted in the database. The default values are usually suitable for English websites. However, if your website will primarily use a different language, you might want to choose a specific character set and collation that matches that language.

Create the Database: Once you’ve named your database and reviewed the character set and collation (if necessary), click the “Create” button. phpMyAdmin will now create your database, and you’ll see a confirmation message.

Database Creation Complete!

Congratulations! You’ve successfully created a database for your WordPress installation. This database will serve as the storage hub for all your website’s content, making it accessible and organized. You’ve just taken a significant step towards setting up your local WordPress environment on your Windows machine.

Step 5: Install WordPress Locally on Windows

With everything set up and prepared, it’s time to embark on the exciting journey of installing WordPress locally on your Windows machine. This step ensures that your website takes shape within the secure cocoon of your computer, allowing you to experiment, design, and perfect it without the need for an internet connection. Follow these detailed steps to achieve a successful installation:

1. Extract the WordPress ZIP File

Begin by locating the WordPress ZIP file you downloaded earlier. It should be in your designated download folder or the location you chose for file downloads. WordPress typically comes in a compressed ZIP format, making it easier to manage and transport.

Tip: Extracting the ZIP File

To unzip the WordPress ZIP file, you have a couple of options:

  • Built-in Windows Tool: Windows offers a built-in extraction tool. Simply right-click on the ZIP file, select “Extract All,” choose a destination folder (or use the suggested one), and click “Extract.” This action will create a folder with the same name as the ZIP file.
  • Third-Party Tool: Alternatively, you can use a third-party file archiver like WinRAR, 7-Zip, or WinZip for more advanced compression and extraction options. Right-click the ZIP file and select your preferred tool to extract its contents.

2. Copy the WordPress Folder

Now that you’ve successfully extracted the WordPress files, it’s time to copy the entire WordPress folder to the appropriate location within your local server environment.

Location: C:\xampp\htdocs\

  • Navigate to the XAMPP Installation Directory: To locate the destination folder, navigate to your XAMPP installation directory on your Windows machine. By default, XAMPP is usually installed on your C: drive. Therefore, you would go to C:\xampp\htdocs\.
  • Paste the WordPress Folder: Within the htdocs directory, right-click and paste the WordPress folder you extracted. You can also manually drag and drop the folder into the htdocs directory.

Renaming the WordPress Folder (Optional)

For better organization and to make your project easily identifiable, you can rename the WordPress folder to something memorable. Consider naming it after your website or project to ensure clarity. This step is especially helpful if you plan to work on multiple projects simultaneously.

3. Access the Installation Page

With the WordPress files securely in place within your local server environment, you’re now ready to initiate the actual installation process. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open your preferred web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
  • In the address bar, type the following URL, ensuring you replace mywebsite with the name of the folder you copied earlier: http://localhost/mywebsite/wp-admin/install.php So, if you named your folder “myblog,” the URL would be http://localhost/myblog/wp-admin/install.php
  • Press Enter or Return on your keyboard, and your web browser will take you to the WordPress installation page.

4. Configure Your WordPress Site

Upon accessing the installation page, you’ll be presented with a series of setup screens where you’ll configure your WordPress site. These settings include:

  • Language Selection: Choose your preferred language for the WordPress installation. English is the default, but WordPress supports many languages.
  • Welcome Message: You’ll receive a warm welcome message, introducing you to the installation process.
  • Database Connection Details: WordPress will ask you for the database connection details, including the database name, username, password, host, and table prefix. Here’s how to fill them in:
    • Database Name: Enter the name of the database you created earlier. In our example, it’s “mywordpress.”
    • Username: Leave this as the default “root” if you haven’t set up a specific MySQL username during the XAMPP installation.
    • Password: Similarly, leave the password field blank or use “root” if you didn’t specify a password during XAMPP installation. If you did set a password, enter that here.
    • Database Host: Keep this as “localhost” to ensure WordPress connects to your local database.
    • Table Prefix: This is a security feature. You can leave it as the default “wp_” or change it to something more unique for added security.
  • Run the Installation: After providing the required database details, click the “Submit” button to proceed.

5. Install WordPress

Once you’ve submitted the database connection details, WordPress will work its magic and connect to the database you’ve created. If everything is correct, you’ll be taken to a screen where you can finalize the installation:

  • Site Title: Enter the title of your website or blog. You can change this later in your WordPress settings.
  • Username: Create an admin username for your WordPress site. Be sure to remember this as it will be used to log in to your site.
  • Password: Generate a strong password for your admin account. WordPress provides a password strength indicator to help you create a secure password.
  • Your Email: Enter your email address. This is important for account recovery and notifications.
  • Privacy: Decide whether you want your site to be indexed by search engines like Google. Typically, you should leave this box unchecked during the installation stage to prevent search engines from indexing your site before it’s ready.
  • Install WordPress: Once you’ve filled in the necessary information, click the “Install WordPress” button.

6. Access Your Local WordPress Site on Windows 10

Congratulations! You’ve successfully completed the installation process. WordPress will now finalize the setup and create your website.

  • After a brief moment, you’ll be presented with a success message, informing you that WordPress has been installed successfully.
  • You’ll also see a “Log In” button that you can click to access your WordPress admin dashboard.
  • To access your website’s dashboard in the future, simply go to http://localhost/mywebsite/wp-admin/ and log in using the admin username and password you created during the installation.

Step 6: Access Your Local WordPress Site on Windows 10

Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed WordPress on your Windows 10 computer, creating a local environment for your website. To access your website’s dashboard and start crafting content, go to http://localhost/mywebsite/wp-admin/ and log in using the admin credentials you set up earlier.

Once you’ve successfully installed WordPress locally on your Windows computer, you’ll be ready to explore and organize your website’s content using WordPress categories and tags – it’s as easy as sorting your favorite books into different genres and adding helpful labels! Also learn difference between Pages and Posts in WordPress!

In the world of website building, knowing how to install WordPress locally on Windows can be your first step towards web mastery, complementing the versatile options you have with 8 Best Alternatives to WordPress.


In this extensive guide, we’ve taken a deep dive into the process of installing WordPress locally on Windows using XAMPP. This setup offers a secure, cost-effective, and efficient way to explore, experiment, and build your website without the need for an internet connection. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, this method empowers you to take control of your online presence.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you’re well on your way to harnessing the full potential of WordPress for Windows 10. So, don’t hesitate—begin your WordPress localhost journey today!

Remember, practice is key, and the more you experiment and explore, the more confident you’ll become in using WordPress for Windows 11 to bring your online projects to life. Happy blogging, designing, and creating!


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